Pool Rules
1. NO GLASS – EVER! Glass containers are not permitted anywhere within the pool grounds.
2. No running.
3. No food or drink in the pool – no exceptions.
4. Food may only be eaten in the picnic area.
5. Beverages must be kept behind the red line.
6. Smoking and vaping are only allowed outside of the fence – 40 feet beyond the front entrance.
7. Time out policy:
First warning: verbal
Second warning: on bench for x minutes (for example, 9 years old = 9 minutes)
Third warning: guard talks to parents about kid’s behavior
Fourth warning: child must leave the pool; board member talks to parents
8. Diving well
Person jumping off the board needs to swim directly to the ladder and get out of the pool.
If a person is waiting to jump off the board, those playing in the diving well must get out.
Only one person on the board at a time.
9. Baby pool
The baby pool is ONLY for swimmers under the age of 7.
The baby pool is NOT for adults lounging in chairs. Not only do chairs take up valuable space, but the chlorine damages the chairs and babies tend to crawl on (and fall off of) chairs. Please respect this rule and keep the baby pool for the little kids only.
Children must be supervised at all times.
No guard is ever on duty at the baby pool.
10. Bad weather policy
Thunder/lightning – 30 minutes (restart 30 minutes for each thunder/lightning event. Restart timing up to three times before closing pool).
We will not open or remain open if the outside temperature is 65 degrees or cooler.
Out of pool within 5 minutes of announcement.
There is NO REFUND of guest passes for weather.
11. Unruly/abusive language and behavior toward staff, pool patrons, or board members will not be tolerated. Offenders will lose pool privileges for the remainder of the season with no refund of guest or membership fees.
12. Members are responsible for their guests and their guests’ behavior.
13. Adult/rest period is at 45 minutes past the hour for 15 minutes. During this time only guards and those over the age of 18 are allowed in the pool. Children must remain behind the red line.
14. No profanity.
15. Children under the age of 13 cannot be alone at the pool. They must be accompanied by a person over the age of 16 with transportation. You may not leave unattended any child under age 13 inside the pool gates for any reason.
16. No inebriation. If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will be asked to the leave the pool by a board member and then the police. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned with no refund.
17. Public displays of affection should kept to a minimum. No groping. No making out in the pool or on pool grounds.
18. No dogs allowed. No chinchillas either. In fact, probably best to keep all your pets at home.